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What do you love about coaching?


When I’m coaching, I’m listening, keeping track of what catches my attention. At some point the pieces come together, and I see the patterns of my client’s work, life, and relationships. I love working with my clients to give these patterns meaning. It’s the best way I know to help people gain awareness, so that they can understand where they are and where they may prefer to be. As we figure out their preferences and how to make them happen, I honour the idea that I am part of this change and growth.


What inspired you to work with CTG?


Having worked with Brad in previous employment roles I jumped at the chance of collaborating with him and other CTG coaches through the CTG family. Our values aligned and his holistic approach to coaching embracing the world of Psychology and psychotherapy enabled me to feel right at home with the team.

Nicol Batra

Executive Coach 

Nicol’s approach to coaching is driven by his career to-date, in business and as a therapist. He takes a widescreen approach with depth of relating at the core.


For Nicol, coaching is a genuine partnership ranging across the pillars of truth, awareness, nuance, purpose and challenge.


Nicol’s business career succeeded internationally across EMEA, North America and Asia, and he channels this into a frame that straddles both work and life. As a qualified BACP therapist,


Nicol works flexibly with goals, self-image, preconceptions, relationships to others, the world and ideas. His coaching ethos reflects his spirit and belief in the cascading effect of change.


Quote from Nicol:


“All people have their light and shade. I work with both, but safely, with trust, and depth of relating. There will be goals, for sure, but I will also explore with you what is left unsaid - where you are not going. Range is important - the best bouquets are made up of many different flowers.”

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